About Achard Italia

2005: With the implementation of the  EU sugar reform Domenico  Saffioti who was well known in this sector since 1977 understood the necessity of coming up with a company who unlike the old and classic “trader”, approaches the market in a complete new way, in the effort of linking the needs of the producers to those of the consumers, inside the new scenario that the “EU sugar reform” has created.

For this purpose ACHARD ITALIA was founded, and got an additional boost in, after a meeting with Alimco CEO, Mr. Robert Pichler and the decision to join forces together in order to plan the best strengthening strategies for the development of the Italian and the European market

2016: In ten years many goals have been achieved, but many more have been planned, especially in view of the new Sugar Reform implementation, starting on the 1st of October

2017: With this new era to come, the company will have even a more important role in keeping an equilibration on the market between Italy and the supplying countries.

Via Negrelli 9
39100 - Bolzano
BZ - Italia
Tel.: +39 0471 932104
Email: info@achardint.com
PEC: achard-int@legalmail.it